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Mirror Me Back

Stop talking, please just stop.

Flip the switch and stop the words from their source.

All we ever do is talk.

Reminders of yesterday, of last week and last month.

Reminders of how unreliable I am.

Talks of how reckless I have become. Chatter to top all chats.

Stop talking, please just stop.

Flip the switch and stop the words from their source.

I am only tired of using my mouth for something other than kissing.

Words carefully constructed, de-constructed and reconstructed to resemble sincerity, empathy and honesty to mask lies and infidelities.

I said I was sorry.

I even apologized for what I was sorry apologizing for.

Lies to keep the truce, so shut up and drink your juice.

Stop talking, please just stop.

Flip the switch and stop the words from their source.

Please bring back the peace and let us break bread.

If you point your finger, I will point to the mirror.


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