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Crazy, Stupid : LOVE

Last month, after months (actually almost a year) of persuasion, someone who had always wanted to call myself his, finally twisted my arm and I said “Yes”. The thing is, after my last relationship last year; I told myself that I would take a back seat from the dating world. Every relationship I partook in, ended up being either a total disaster, me being hurt or just losing interest. People have a tendency of portraying a “perfect” and poised persona when they meet a potential mate. “Why?” you may ask, I am not sure, but I would assume that it plays in their favour, as we always create these lists for ourselves of the perfect mate:

·         Perfect smile,

·         Perfect and fair complexion (apparently the most desired),

·         An amazing dresser,

·         And a man with money and a provider.

Question is; why do we create such expectations for potential lovers when we do not do the same for ourselves? It is all good to know what you want, but what are you going to offer this “perfect mate” of yours?

·         Will you be faithful?

·         Will you be all the best you can be and try to be as perfect?

·         Or will you grow into the “frumpy” phase and stop living up to the appearance you have created for yourself?

·         And will you “pay” him back for his generosity?

In my opinion, these are things I have found people do not consider about themselves and their potential partners.

Okay, I seem to have gotten carried away and side tracked now. So back to the story in question.

We used to work together at a previous company and we did have strong feelings for each other and at one point, we loved each other. But I still did not budge into this relationship he wanted for us. I knew I was not ready, but when would I ever be?

In the quest for “self-enlightenment” and finding clarity of who I was/am and what  needed from my other, let alone what I needed of myself.

So, I said yes. And the deal was done. All was well and we continued as we had for some time. The thing is, we ended up having a platonic relationship, so we found it easy to ease into the role of boyfriend and boyfriend.

But, with everything that has to do with Buntu, things were just getting started. The weekend we decided to date, his friends and he had decided to have an informal get together and I was obliged to attend, being his boyfriend. Let me remind you, that this party takes place 3 days after we started dating.

So cool, I get to the party and I get introduced to some of his good friends that have been “dying” to meet me. As we made our way to the patio, my eyes found someone I had never met before, but someone I knew I had to know. I knew right there and there that I had to be a part of his world, be around him and love him unconditionally. I can honestly say that I fell in love with him from that somewhat high and tipsy moment when I arrived. Throughout the evening, I tried to distance myself, as I was with my boyfriend, and being around him evoked feelings that I did not have control over. I was crazy about him, but I had a boyfriend. I played it cool and tried to forget about him.

The evening drew to an end and I found my way to bed with my boyfriend and we slept from exhaustion. We spent the next morning and day in bed, drifting from consciousness to the land of sleep. I left later that afternoon to go meet my friends at Mzoli’s, a local hang out spot in Gugulethu. And all while I was there, I couldn’t stop talking about this boy I just met and felt that we were meant to be. My friends know how I am when it comes to beauty and they brushed it off as one of those moments. But I was soon to find out that there had been a mutual interest, for he followed me on twitter later on that night. We conversed via Direct Message and got to know each other more. My phone died, along with my night. After Mzoli’s, my friends and I ended up at yet another presumptuous township hang out spot, but we made the most of it. Battery drained, money finished and alcohol levels diminished, we headed home. I charged my phone and eagerly awaited a message from him I might have received in the absence of life from my phone.

Nothing…. But I am not one to give up so easily. I sent him a message, he replied. The ball began rolling. He gave me his name on Facebook and I browsed at the few pictures he has. In the midst of the conversations, we exchanged numbers and he called me when I called it a night. What was intended to be a goodbye from his end, ended up being me calling him back and spending the next hour and a half getting to know him better.

Someone I now truly love with all my heart.

In between then and last week, I was plagued with a decision to end one of these relationships I had found myself in. I knew who I wanted to be with, but the only thing going through my mind was how I had wasted “his” time. What if he could have found someone else, but I kept him detained in a futureless and stagnant relationship?

I had to end one of these relationships and I knew which one it had to be, so I sent him a text on BBM:

“Okay. So I have been putting this off for quite some time as I thought I could find a way of telling you without hurting you, but I don't seem there will be a right time, whether it is face to face, or over BBM.

This past month has been, nothing like what I had expected our relationship to be like. We went from being friends with a platonic relationship and a great love, to what I feel to be, lovers with no love at all. Since we started dating, my love for you has diminished and I don't think it shall ever resurface or be what it was. So what I suggest is that we part ways, as friends rather than lovers with resentment. I'm sorry I have to do this, now and via this medium. I just can't continue delaying what should've happened some time ago. I hope you find someone who loves you the way you deserve to be loved, and you in turn love and treat him the way he needs to be.”

The conversation that followed was civil and things were great. We came to the same conclusion, but I had not mentioned the most important reason, well I’m sure he will when he reads this.

Love manifests itself at the most inappropriate moments as we have a certain plan for ourselves. But there is nothing to do but embrace it as it might not happen again. Life is about making decisions, though some might be perceived as selfish, they are crucial for your own development. I guess what I am trying to say is that love has no time nor does it created allowances for those who might be/believe that they are in love. I found someone I love, but in the process, I had to let go of someone I valued in my life.

Love creates, but it also destroys. Its lifts you up when you are down, and it can also tear you back to reality when you feel like you are on top of the world. It has no clearly set rules and it recreates itself with every relationship as we learn and grow.



  1. Hw do u knw wen u hav truly met sum1, hu u thnk is meant 4 u? I wud love 2 knw coz in sum rships I've been in I've felt dat I've found sum1 bt always ends bad

  2. I'm just glad u never cntinued to be in an unhaappy relationship, how much u were gonna hhate yourself u were gonna be your own enemy, mandiso. Was so wrong for u anyway

  3. and who he hell are you to say that my friend was so wrong for buntu? SIT DOWN ALL OF YOU . THEY BROKE UP SO LEAVE IT AT THAT!

  4. Your break up sounds like break ups from many gay guys in cape town. BREAK UPS, AND MORE BREAK UPS.... How can you break up with someone as "friends" and then you blog about it? What's the point of giving detailed sms of your break ups. Next time you ask us to comment, I want to hear how happy you are with your new bf. Bye

  5. Well well well...I don't know how u survived 3 days in that Forrest Dump, then again I don't know how anyone can b so fat and still show face...#shrugs. #dropsMic

  6. No wonder ungahlalwa ngabantu bakho, usengumntana. Ulahla via BBM khawu khule Buntu, makungakhuli iiHips zodwa, nengqondo mayikhule kwedini.

    1. Lol. Thank you for reading my blog Anonymous ☺. Look out for the next post, it will make your blood boil

  7. hehake who do u think you are??braging about ur slutty ations and you think that makes you cool...nigga plz ok wat u dd to ur first boyfriend is mean and you knw wat u and that other guy deserve each other,that snake to go to ur boyfriends party and then leave with you as his prize is down ryt cheap come on you guys really wat u did is wat i call making bieng a slut cheaper then wat it aint everythin dear ur new guy cud do the same thing to you at a party you take him too so be carefull dear karma is a bitch*drops the mic*

    1. Hi,

      I have a few questions that I would like you to answer for me if you don't mind. Perhaps you read the wrong post because I'm failing to understand this - where in the post did you deduce that Buntu or me are "sluts"? To the best of my knowledge and the dictionary that I used, a slut is an offensive term used to address a woman who is sexually promiscuous.

      I also am confused by how you got to the deduction that I left with Buntu as "my prize" at the conclusion of the party. Did you read the part with him talking to his friends and being conflicted by how he felt the day after the event in question?

      I do feel that you raised a valid point about how Buntu's leaving his boyfriend was mean but I also feel that it would have been even more callous of him to stay with somebody he didn't quite like. It is a widely held belief that relationships should be built on honesty and I fail to understand how his staying could have been interpreted as such. Perhaps your ideal relationship works differently but that doesn't mean you should frown upon Buntu for seeking to make things right and serve his own interests.

      And lastly, I feel that we should be mindful of the judgements we impose on other people because they sometimes reflect badly on the person passing the judgement. I don't know you but from the little that I have read I can tell that you are a coward. You are probably in Buntu's circle of "close friends" but here you are labeling him a slut and not having enough courage to reveal your identity.

      You might be angry that a relationship (that you most probably were in support of) came to an end and it is within your full rights to feel like that but you do not have to be vulgar and tasteless in your articulating the way you feel.

      If I were as ill-mannered as you are I would conclude by "dropping the mic" but I will rise above and tell you that I hope you understand.

  8. *pick up this virtual mic everyone keeps dropping and starts singing*

    Hey ya.
    You don't have to love me
    You don't even have to like me
    But you will respect me
    You know why?
    Cuz I'm a boss!

    Uh uh... watch the beat go...

    I'm bossy
    I'm the first girl to scream on a track
    I switched up the beat of the drum
    That's right, I brought all the boys to the yard
    And that's right, I'm the one that's tattooed on his arm
    I'm bossy
    I'm the bitch you love to hate
    I'm the chick that's raised the stake
    I told young stunna he should switch to Bape
    I'm back with an 808 'cause I'm bossy

    Ooh, lemme slow it down for ya so you can catch the flow (catch the flow)
    Screw it up make it go extra slow (extra slow)
    Real girls get down on the flo' (on the flo' get down, on the flo')
    Ooh, I gave you a taste you want some more (touch down)
    On it like a pro
    I ride the beat like a bicycle, I'm icy cold
    Ooh, from the 6-4 hoppers up in crenshaw
    The money making playas up in Harlem
    Don't want no problem
    We gon' keep it bumping while the 808 is jumping

    Diamonds on my neck, di-diamonds on my grill
    Diamonds on my neck, di-diamonds on my grill

    I'm bossy
    I'm the first girl to scream on a track
    I switched up the beat of the drum
    That's right, I brought all the boys to the yard
    And that's right, I'm the one that's tattooed on his arm
    I'm bossy
    I'm the bitch you love to hate
    I'm the chick that's raised the stake
    I told young stunna he should switch to Bape
    I'm back with an 808 'cause I'm bossy

    Ooh, (I bet, I bet) I bet cha neva heard it like this before (this before)
    My baby be cruising them phantom doors (phantom doors)
    Got the bar popping this that you can't afford (can't afford)
    Ooh, I'm drinking, blasting the crowds, it's all smoking
    All the while I'm all open
    Me and my girls we stay fly and we love to stay high
    Ooh, from the 6-4 hoppers up in crenshaw
    To the money making playas up in Harlem
    Don't want no problems
    We gon' keep it bumping while the 808 is jumping

    Diamonds on my neck, di-diamonds on my grill
    Diamonds on my neck, di-diamonds on my grill

    I'm bossy
    I'm the first girl to scream on a track
    I switched up the beat of the drum
    That's right, I brought all the boys to the yard
    And that's right, I'm the one that's tattooed on his arm
    I'm bossy
    I'm the bitch you love to hate
    I'm the chick that's raised the stake
    I told young stunna he should switch to Bape
    I'm back with an 808 'cause I'm bossy

    [Too $hort]
    It's 'bout time that she get with me
    Can't stop staring, she's fine and she's pretty
    Damn girl, don't hurt 'em
    If niggas don't get back, you gon' work 'em
    Put your mack down, I know your background
    What chu want girl, you getting mad now
    That's how you do it, huh?
    Well I'm the coolest one
    In fact, it's in the back bring 'em to the front (bitch)
    Tell that man you's a boss, bitch
    Make some noise, raise your hand if you's a boss, bitch
    I don't think he understands you's a boss, bitch
    Get some help if you can 'cause he lost it
    Ain't no refunds, she spent the cash mayne
    In your Benz with her friends in the fast lane
    Flossing, you say "How much it cost me?"
    About a million dollars playa, she's bossy

    I'm bossy
    I'm the first girl to scream on a track
    I switched up the beat of the drum
    That's right, I brought all the boys to the yard
    And that's right, I'm the one that's tattooed on his arm
    I'm bossy
    I'm the bitch you love to hate
    I'm the chick that's raised the stake
    I told young stunna he should switch to Bape
    I'm back with an 808 'cause I'm bossy

    Uh uh... watch the beat go...
    Uh uh...

  9. Based on what you describing, your new boyfriend is a basic bitch. He preyed on you when he pretty much knew you were involved with his mate, he followed you on twitter later that evening because he wanted to go behind his friend's back to start something with you or maybe keep things on the DL. Guys like him have no problem with just being fuckbuddies, he wanted you, he had to stalk you, he had to find your twitterhandle. I am not sure what he found so irresistable in you that he had to go behind his friend's back to have you, MAYBE IS YOUR FAT ASS OR MAYBE IS YOUR, that's besides the point, the beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and we all have our flaws. But when we go hurting everything and everyone that come in our proximity, don't be suprised when karma comes back to haunt us. Sooner or later what happened to your ex bf is going to happen to you or you will do it to your new bf.

    1. Hi,

      I have a couple of questions for you that I would like you to answer:

      What constitutes a basic bitch? Is there a heirarchy that is used solely for the purpose of ranking "bitches"?

      You sound like all the other anonymous people who have made it a point that they comment, passing their rediculously irrational observations and idiosyncrasies.

      Since when has following somebody on Twitter been an act of indiscriminate sexual conduct?

      Who told you that Buntu and I have a relationship that is solely sexual in nature?

      Do you know how long I was friends with the guy he broke up with? Was the nature of our friendship such that I put his interests over mine?

      You have raised some valid points which have unfortunately been washed down by your poor command of the English language and your vulgar self. I understand that you are angry because a relationship (that you most likely supported came to an end) but I do not understand how throwing around a bunch of swear words help you or the situation, for that matter.

      I also do not quite understand why you had to leave an "anonymous" comment since you clearly feel like your assessment of the status quo is the ultimate thing.

      I hope you will respond politely :)

    2. Hi Mzamo!! Thanks for taking your time to reply. I don't know you you, I was simply commenting on what your bf was describing. This is just my opinion, If I offended you in anyway, deal with it.

    3. Oh and if you know what constitutes a basic bitch, look it up... I have to go, WORK is calling me

  10. Anonymous u have too much time in your. B let's sing along with M.

  11. Buntu and Mzamo i am happy for you both. it was very courageous to leave the relationship if you were unhappy Buntu and Mzamo ive known you as a decent strong well deserving individual throughout our whole friendships so nje my love yekela abanomona to go deal with their issues. I am so happy about these two love birds and i do wish we get to double-date soon my friends :)

  12. You anonymous people be bored hey..
    Buntu here did a thing that he felt was right..
    Friends rarely become lovers if the pass the friend-zone, this is one of those cases.
    He broke up with his BF before he did or might have done serious damage..and I don't know what wrong with you people, the ex was fine with everything..why are your heads in your asses? You educated right, READ!! And you just cynical bitches..don't focus on one thing while the whole context is there..mxm you might have a grudge on Buntu and you saw this as a perfect chance to insult him, I know him and I precisely know he don't give a flying fucks-what about what you saying. He got a boyfriend he likes DEAL, he's not a slut too cause you can't tell me you never broke up with anybody..oh maybe..your ugly and suffer from some kind of deformity I don't know but, but Buntu's got a life..his happy..and your just shit down the toilet *Flush* if you can't deal, get a DILDO!! Buntu thanks for enlightening us, YOLO babe * Sɛɐ̃η_Sũɛdɛ-xi


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